Posted on November 26, 2020 by churchgoodshepherd823Happy Thanksgiving 2020 BRIEF MESSAGE FROM DEACON GINNYThanksgiving this year certainly has a different meaning for a lot of people. During these past eightmonths of the COVID 19 pandemic, I for one can admit that I have been depressed but I am confidentthat I would rise above it. Everything I enjoy will eventually return again.I have a friend that donates turkeys every year in which I distribute to families or groups. This year I donot have access to groups, so we reached out to families. Several needy families in areas that did notreceive turkeys from social service agencies in their areas due to COVID and church members and FortLee residents.We were blessed to be able to bless others with 20lb turkeys. To some it means nothing but to a familyespecially with small children and a cut in their household income, that turkey can provide a lot ofmeals.Being able to speak to the family members and listen to how they swallowed their pride to come out toreceive this turkey because they have always had money to buy what they need yet now can’t makeends meet. Others have lost their jobs, go to the food banks only to get what little they have available.As I was driving home last Sunday, I had two turkeys in my car which I was determined not to have tobring them home with me. A parishioner that likes turkey but does not know how to prepare it wouldnot take it; yet another parishioner volunteered to cook it and share it with the three of them present.They were thankful and so was I.There was a lady with three children walking near the intersection where I turn to get on to route 46. Ipulled over introduced myself and gave her my business card. I asked if she had a turkey forThanksgiving because we were distributing them at the church and I have one left. The kids were tellingher to take it. She said, don’t get me wrong I am not poor I am short of funds right now.I told her I am not here to judge her, I even asked the police officer parked down the street who told mehis wife just redeemed her turkey from the local Shop Rite where they live this morning otherwise hewould have taken it.While we were talking the kids took everything out of the carriage and put the items in their backpacksto make room for the turkey in the carriage. She said it looks like they really want it. One of the childrensaid all the kids at school will have turkey and now we will too.It brought tears to my eyes. She was a proud woman with determined children. I slipped some cash inthe bag to enable her to get some other items to make big meal for the children. I said a prayer for themas I was leaving. The smiles on all their faces was priceless.I finally felt that I was being my old self and doing what I can to help others. I am thankful that Godplaces me in the right places at the right time to make a difference in the lives of others.Happy Thanksgiving to the congregation of the Good Shepherd. I have not been with you long but loveyou all. Stay safe, stay well enjoy the holiday.